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Academic Achievements of CKGSB Faculty (October – December, 2022)



Sun Baohong

1. Articles on MetaVerse and Web3.0, Harvard Business Review (Chinese version), Nov, 2022.


Xi Kaiyuan

1. Hsee & Li (2022). A framing effect in the judgment of discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Forthcoming

2. Li, Hsee, & O’Brien (2022). “It could be better” can make it worse: When and why people mistakenly communicate upward counterfactual information. Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming

3. Yang, Y., Li, X., & Hsee, C. K. (2022). Relevance insensitivity: A framework of psychological biases in consumer behavior and beyond." ,Consumer Psychology Review, Forthcoming


Zhu Rui

1.“The Lasting Smell of Temptation: Counteractive Effects of Indulgent Food Scents” Journal of Business Research, accepted


