Zhang Xiaomeng
1. Zhang, X. M. (2020-October/November forthcoming). H.E.R. leadership: Bridging the gender gap by degendering. Harvard Business Review (China).
2. Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. M., & Long, L. (forthcoming). Job Insecurity, commitment, and proactivity toward the organization and one’s career: Age as a condition. Human Resource Management Journal. PR.
3. Sharon, N. S., Zhang, H., & Zhang, X. M. (forthcoming). Emotional labor and employee creativity: A multi-level investigation of psychological attachment/detachment and team creative efficacy. Creativity Research Journal. PR
4. Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. (2020). Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37: 325-344. PR