范昕宇博士现为长江商学院经济学助理教授。他于2018年获得加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)经济学博士学位,并于2016,2017连续两年获得UCLA经济系杰出教学奖。他还曾于2020年获得第10届UNICREDIT FOUNDATION GENDER ECONOMICS最佳论文奖。
1. Warcraft: Legitimacy Building of Usurpers, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 184, 2021, pp. 409-431
2. Strategic Promotion, Reputation, and Responsiveness in Bureaucratic Hierarchies (with Feng Yang, Journal of Theoretical Politics 31(3), 286-307 )
1. Competence-Loyalty Tradeoff under Dominant Minority Rule: The Case of Centuries of Manchu Rule, R&R at Journal of Public Economics (with Shuo Chen, L. Colin Xu, and Xun Yan)
2. The Shaping of a Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-binding in Historical China (with Lingwei Wu)
3. Starving and Deceiving? How Disasters Reshape Politicians’ Incentives to Lie (with Shuo Chen and Xuanyi Wang)
4. Influence Activities through Social Media: Evidence from Academia (with Shuo Chen and Albert Roh)
5. Godfather Politicians and Organized Violence: The Good, The Bad, And The Bloody (with Shuo Chen and Xuanyi Wang)
6. Club-based Promotions in Organizations: Evidence and Theory (with Shuo Chen, Zhitao Zhu)
1. The Rootless and the Ruthless: Institutional Commitment, Elite Recruitment, and Political Purges
2. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward: Elite Persistence in Power Struggles
3. Law vs. Lynching: A History of Vigilantes
4. The Clash of Legitimacy (and The Remaking of Organizational Order)
5. Peace and War and Peace: Social Order in Costly Struggles
6. Monitoring Dynamics in Fighting Corruption
7. Investment with News Arrivals