Brian Viard
1. “The Dynamic Role of Subnational Regions in Firm Performance,” (with Haibing Shu), Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming.
Cao Huining
1. "How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms.", Henry Cao, Liye Ma, Eddie Ning and Baohong Sun, Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2, February 2024, Pages v-vi, 671-1342, iii-iv
Chen Xinlei
1. "Mobile ad fraud: Empirical patterns in publisher and advertising campaign data," with Liang, Yitian (Sky), Yuxin Chen, Ping Xiao and Jinglong Zhang, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 41, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 265-281.
Fan Xinyu
1. Starving and deceiving: Are politicians with childhood famine exposure more honest? Shuo Chen, Xinyu Fan & Xuanyi Wang, Public Choice, Published online: 11 December 2024.
Huang Chunyan
1. Can stock trading suspension calm down investors during market crises? (with Weihua Chen, Donghui Shi, and Zhongzhi Song) Journal of Financial Markets, Volume 71, November 2024, 100934.
Jin Zhao
1. “Artificial Intelligence, Education, and Entrepreneurship”, with Michael Gofman, Journal of Finance. Volume79, Issue1, February 202
Li Haitao
1. Strategies and Tactics on balancing Globalization and Localization, Li Haitao, Harvard Business Review
2. Collectivism in Family Governance: Why It Matters and How to Put It into Action, Li Haitao, Economic Observer
3. Ensuring Family Business Continuity: The Imperative of Long-Termism Li Haitao, Economic Observer,(Nov. 18th edition)
4. Six Strategies to Build a New Paradigm for Globalization Li Haitao, Harvard Business Review, (July edition)
5. "How Range Technology Builds the AI Infrastructure: Business of Data Center amidst Global Industrial Transformation.", Li Haitao, Economic Observer, ( September 2ed Edition)
Li Wei
1. Li, Peiyuan, and Li, Wei. Wrongful Convictions with Chinese Characteristics. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Volume32, Issue1, January 2024, Pages 143-163
Li Xuenan
1. "The Marginal Value of Cash: Structural Estimates from a Model with Financing and Agency Frictions", with Sudipto Dasgupta and Di Li, forthcoming, Management Science
2. "Fundamental Anomalies", with Guoliang Ma, Shujing Wang, and Cindy Yu, forthcoming, Management Science
3. Firm-level Irreversibility, with Hang Bai, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang, forthcoming, Critical Finance Review
Li Yang
1. "When Language Matters,", with Grant Packard and Jonah Berger, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 51, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 634–653,
2. "How to Structure Customer Service Calls to Boost Satisfaction and Sales," Grant Packard, Yang Li, and Jonah Berger, Harvard Business Review, July 2024
Mei Danqing
1. "Mapping US-China Technology Decoupling, Innovation, and Firm Performance", with Pengfei Han and Wei Jiang, Management Science, forthcoming.
Na Ke
1. "Client Restatement Announcement, Audit Office Human Capital Investment, and Audit Quality Improvements", (with Daniel Aobdia, Xuejiao Liu, and Hong Wu) Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming.
2. "Politicians’ Ideology, State Intervention, and Corporate Taxation" (with Terry Shevlin, Danqing Wang, and Wenjia Yan) Management Science, forthcoming.
3. "The Influence of Labor Market Power in the Audit Profession," with Daniel Aobdia, Qin Li, and Hong Wu, The Accounting Review (2024) 99 (5): 65–95.
4. "Is Conservatism Demanded by Performance Measurement in Compensation Contracts? Evidence from Earnings Measures Used in Bonus Formulas," with Ivy Zhang and Yong Zhang, Review of Accounting Studies, Volume 29, pages 809–851, (2024)
Shi Weilei
1. "Embracing non-Western contexts in management scholarship", C Wickert, K Potočnik, S Prashantham, W Shi, Y Snihur, Journal of Management Studies, Volume61, Issue8, December 2024, Pages e1-e24.
2. "The Superstitious Heuristic in Strategic Decision Making", with Liu, Jing and Tsang, Eric W.K., Journal of Management, forthcoming.
Sun Baohong
1. "How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms.", Henry Cao, Liye Ma, Eddie Ning and Baohong Sun, Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2, February 2024, Pages v-vi, 671-1342, iii-iv
Sun Tianshu
1. Andrew Heeseung Lee, Angela Choi, Tianshu Sun, Wonseok Oh, "To Split or to Merge?: How Partitioning Affects Consumption and Engagement with Digital Content", Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
2. Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang, and Jun Xu (2024) The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy, 70(4):2645-2660, Management Science
3. JaeHwuen Jung, Tianshu Sun, Ravi Bapna, and Joseph Golden (2024) "Social Learning in Prosumption: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Management Science, forthcoming
4. Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun "Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach", (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2020) Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 8, August 2024, Pages v-vii, 4953-5625, iii-v
5. Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment" Information Systems Research, forthcoming
6. Brian Rongqing Han, Leon Yang Chu, Tianshu Sun, Lixia Wu (2024) Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses, Forthcoming, Management Science
7. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, and Lixia Wu (2024) Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-mile Stations at Alibaba. MIS Quarterly 48(3) pp. 1157-1192
8. Tianshu Sun, Max Wei and Joe Golden, "Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Influences Online Sharing", Information Systems Research, forthcoming
9. Ruomeng Cui, Zhikun Lu, Tianshu Sun, Joseph Golden (2024) "Sooner or Later? Promising Delivery Speed in Online Retail", (ICIS 2021 Best Paper in "Digital and Mobile Commerce"), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,26(1):233-251.
Wang Neng
1. "A p Theory of Taxes and Debt Management", with Wei Jiang, Thomas J. Sargent, and Jinqiang Yang, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
2. "A q theory of internal capital markets", with Min Dai, Xavier Giroud, and Wei Jiang, Journal of Finance, 79(2), 1147-1197, (2024)
3. "Managing government debt", with Wei Jiang, Thomas J. Sargent, and Jinqiang Yang, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(11), (2024)
4. "The endowment model and modern portfolio theory", with Steve Dimmock and Jinqiang Yang, Management Science, 70(3), 1554-1579, (2024)
5. "Dynamic trading with realization utility", with Min Dai and Cong Qin, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
6. "Dynamic banking and the value of deposits", with Patrick Bolton, Ye Li, and Jinqiang Yang, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
7. "The marginal value of cash: corporate savings, investment, and financing", with Patrick Bolton and Hui Chen, Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2024. 16:295–324
8. 公司内部资本市场的q理论,清华金融评论,2024七月刊
Xi Kaiyuan
1. "How framing influences strategic interactions" Hsee, C. K., Imas, A., & Li, X. Management Science (forthcoming).
2. Wang, S., Li, X., & Hsee, C. K. (forthcoming). Nation or leader? How news framing influences reader impressions. Judgment and Decision-Making
3. Li, X., Hsee, C. K. & Wang, S. (forthcoming). Cherry-picking tolerance in news reporting. Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making
4. Li, X, & Hsee, C. K. (forthcoming). Blaming the strawless brickmaker: Input neglect in judging decision quality. Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making
5. Wei, S., & Hsee, C. K. (2024). Future-present relationship insensitivity: A new perspective on psychological myopia and psychological hyperopia. Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making, 37(1), e2358.
Xu Lixin
1. "Bureaucrats, Tournament Competition, and Performance Manipulation". Xu, G., L.C. Xu, R. Si, R. Wang., Journal of Law and Economics, accepted.
2. "Property rights, power, and corporate investment" (with Meng Miao, Dragon Tang), Review of Finance, Volume 28, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 593–619
3. "The effects of privatization on firm productivity in China." Huang, Zhangkai, Jinyu Liu, Guangrong Ma, Lixin Colin Xu. 2024. Forthcoming in Journal of Law and Economics.
4. "Political Determinants of Privatizations in China: A Natural Experiment Based on Politician Career Concerns". Huang, Zhangkai, Jinyu Liu, Guangrong Ma, Lixin Colin Xu. Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 87, August 2024
Zhang Weining
1. "Does Political Uncertainty Obfuscate Narrative Disclosure?", with Mohamed Mekhaimer and Marwa Soliman. The Accounting Review (2024) 99 (4): 367–394.
2. "Proprietary Information Cost of Contracting with the Government", with Jiapeng He, Kevin Li, and Ningzhong Li. The Accounting Review (2024) 99 (2): 195–227.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1. Zhang, X. M. Winning over the "Generation Z" in the workplace: Exploring Motivation. Harvard Business Review (China) forthcoming June 2024.
2. Qu, H., Zhang, Y., Walter, F., & Zhang, X. Unpacking the role of job insecurity for employee creativity: A multi-dimensional perspective. Journal of Management (forthcoming).
3. Kwan, H. K., Chen, Y., Tang, G., Zhang, X., & Le, J. Benefits of empowering leadership behaviors for actors: An investigation of work engagement and power distance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (forthcoming).
4. Xu, X., Li, M., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (forthcoming).
Zhang Xingtan
1. "Collective Decision Through an Informed Mediator" (with Yunan Li) Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 218, June 2024
Zhong Ling
1. "To Unlock Organizational Vitality, CEOs Need to Decentralize Power" (with Yuping Zhang), Harvard Business Review, January, 2025, forthcoming.
2. "Isoperimetric Control Inequality: Application to the Management of Limited Resources in Times of Pandemics" (with Ilias Elmouki et al), The Landscape of Global Health Inequity, 2024. Chapter 7, pp 71-90.
Zhu Rui
1. Zhu, Rui (forthcoming), "Harnessing Nature: Influencing Consumer Psychology and Well-Being through Interactions with Nature," Journal of Consumer Psychology, accepted for publication, 2024/11/18.
Zhu Yang
1. Chu, L. Y., Q. Feng, J. G. Shanthikumar, Z. M. Shen, J. Wu, "Solving the Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem with Parametric Operational Data Analytics (ODA)," Management Science, forthcoming.
2. Han, B., L. Y. Chu, T. Sun, L. Wu, "Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses," Management Science, forthcoming.
3. Han, B., L. Wu, T. Sun, L. Y. Chu, L. Wu, 2024, "Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-mile Stations at Alibaba," MIS Quarterly, 48(3), pp. 1157-1192.
Cao Huining
1. "How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms.", with Liye Ma, Eddie Ning and Baohong Sun, Management Science,2023
Chen Xinlei
1. Liang, Yitian (Sky), Xinlei (Jack) Chen, Yuxin Chen, Ping Xiao, Jinglong Zhang (2023) "Mobile ad fraud: Empirical patterns in publisher and advertising campaign data," International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
2. Chen, Xinlei (Jack), Xiaohua Zeng, Cheng Zhang (2023) "Does Concealing Gender Identity Help Women Win the Competition? An Empirical Investigation into Online Video Games", Marketing Science, Vol 42 (3), p. 551–568
Chen Yuxin
1. "State formation and bureaucratization: Evidence from Pre-Imperial China," accepted by Journal of Economic History
2. "From Powerholders to Stakeholders: State-Building with Elite Compensation in Early Medieval China", Conditionally Accepted by American Journal of Political Science
Fan Xinyu
1. Competence-Loyalty Tradeoff under Dominant Minority Rule: The Case of Centuries of Manchu Rule, Journal of Public Economics, 2023
2. The Shaping of A Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-binding in Historical China, International Economic Review, 2023
Li Xuenan
1. The Marginal Value of Cash: Structural Estimates from a Model with Financing and Agency Frictions, with Sudipto Dasgupta and Di Li, forthcoming, Management Science
Li Yang
1. When Language Matters" with Grant Packard and Jonah Berger, Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.
Mei Danqing
1. Mapping US-China Technology Decoupling, Innovation, and Firm Performance (with Pengfei Han and Wei Jiang). Management Science, forthcoming.
Shi Weilei
1. "The Superstitious Heuristic in Strategic Decision Making", Journal of Management, 2023.
Sun Baohong
1. "How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms", Management Science,2023.
Sun Tianshu
1. Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun (2023) "Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach", (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2020), Management Science.
2. Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun (2023) "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment", Information Systems Research.
3. Brian Rongqing Han, Leon Yang Chu, Tianshu Sun, Lixia Wu (2023) "Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses", (WISE 2019 Best Student Paper), Management Science.
4. Ruomeng Cui, Zhikun Lu, Tianshu Sun, Joseph Golden (2023) "Sooner or Later? Promising Delivery Speed in Online Retail", (ICIS 2021 Best Paper in "Digital and Mobile Commerce"), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
5. Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang, Jun Xu (2023) The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy, Management Science.
6. Brian Rongqing Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Lixia Wu (2023) "Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from The Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba" (CODE 2018, WISE 2018, ICIS 2019, SCECR 2019), MIS Quarterly.
7. Tianshu Sun, Max Wei and Joe Golden (2023), "Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Influences Online Sharing", Information Systems Research.
8. Wilson Lin, Susan Feng Lu, Tianshu Sun (2022) "Persuasion, Donor Heterogeneity, and Workload: The Impact of Charitable Workers on Donors’ Blood Donation Decisions", Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Tao Zhigang
1. When Patients Get a Better Health Insurance Plan: Provider Incentives and Health Care Costs (with Mengna LUAN, Wenjing SHI, and Hongjie YUAN), the Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, October 2023, Volume 31(4), 1073-1106.
2. Alive but Not Well: The Neglected Cost of Air Pollution (with Mengna LUAN and Hongjie YUAN), Health Economics, November 2023, 32(11): 2535-2567.
3. Differential impacts of vaccine scandal by ethnic and socioeconomic factors: evidence from China (with Mengna Luan, Qi Qi ,Wenjing Shi, Ying Bao, Jiushun Zhou), forthcoming, PLOS ONE.
Wang Neng
1. Dynamic trading with realization utility, with Min Dai and Cong Qin, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
2. Mitigating disaster risks in the age of climate change, with Harrison Hong and Jinqiang Yang, Econometrica, 91(5), 1763–1802, (2023),
3. Dynamic Banking and the Value of Deposits, with Patrick Bolton, Ye Li, and Jinqiang Yang, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
4. Welfare Consequences of Sustainable Finance, with Harrison Hong and Jinqiang Yang, Review of Financial Studies, volume 36, pages 4864–4918 in 2023.
5. A q theory of internal capital markets, with Min Dai, Xavier Giroud, and Wei Jiang, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
6. The endowment model and modern portfolio theory, with Steve Dimmock and Jinqiang Yang, Management Science,
Xi Kaiyuan
1. Hsee, C. K., Zeng, Y., Li, X. & Imas, A. (2023). The Psychology of Negative-Sum Behavior and Loss Spirals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
2. Lu, Z., Hsee, C. K., & Zhang, K. (2023). Short-Asking with Long-Entreating (SALE): A cost-effective method to increase purchase quantity. Forthcoming in the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.
3. Wei, S. & Hsee, C. K. (2023). A new Look at Psychological Myopia and Psychological Hyperopia. Forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
4. It could be better' can make it worse, Journal of Marketing Research published
5. Relevance insensitivity: A framework of psychological biases, Consumer Psychology Review, 2023.
6. Coordinate to cooperate: How framing influences strategic interactions, accepted by Management Science.
Xu Lixin
1. Competence-Loyalty Tradeoff under Dominant Minority Control (with Shuo Chen, Xinyu Fan, Xun Yan), Journal of Public Economics, Accepted.
2. Does FDI have a social demonstration effect in developing economies? (with Sheng Fang, Dean Xu, Heba Sham), Journal of International Business Studies, accepted.
3. Political survival, local accountability, and long-term development (with Hanming Fang, Linke Hou, Mingxing Liu, Pengfei Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, accepted.
4. Property rights, power, and corporate investment (with Meng Miao, Dragon Tang, Xiao Yan) Review of Finance, accepted.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1. Qu, H., Zhang, Y., Walter, F., & Zhang, X. Unpacking the role of job insecurity for employee creativity: A multi-dimensional perspective. (forthcoming) Journal of Management.
2. Xu, X., Li, M., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (forthcoming).
Zhang Weining
1. "Proprietary Information Cost of Contracting with the Government", with Jiapeng He, Kevin Li, and Ningzhong Li. Forthcoming at The Accounting Review.
--2021 AAA Annual Meeting Best Paper Award for Government and Non-for-Profit Section
Zhong Ling
1. "Effects of Stay-at-home Orders on Skill Requirements in Vacancy Postings." with Ran Gu, Labour Economics, 2023. Volume 82: 102342.", Labour Economics, 2023.
Zhu Yang
1. Chu, L. Y., Q. Feng, J. G. Shanthikumar, Z. M. Shen, 2023, "Solving the Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem with Parametric Operational Data Analytics (ODA)," Management Science, forthcoming.
2. Han, B., T. Sun, L. Y. Chu, L. Wu, 2023, "Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses," Management Science, forthcoming.
3. "Designing Online Platforms for Customized Goods and Services: A Market‐Frictions Based Perspective," Academy of Management Review, 48(1), pp. 78-99
Brian Viard
1. "Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Spillovers: Physical Transport and Economic Costs by Distance" (with Shihe Fu and Peng Zhang) – Journal of Development Economics, Volume 155, 102808, March 2022.
2. “A Mayor’s Perspective on Tackling Air Pollution,” (with Shihe Fu) – invited chapter in Handbook of Real Estate and Macroeconomics published by Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.2022
Cao Huining
1. "Disclosure, Learning and Coordination,"" with Y. Ma, Dongyan Ye, 2022, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 1."
Chen Yuxin
1. “Riding Out the COVID-19 Storm: How Government Policies Affect SMEs in China” (with Zijun Cheng, Robin K. Gong and Jinlin Li), China Economic Review, 2022
Huang Chunyan
1. Investor Learning and Mutual Fund Flows (with Kelsey D. Wei and Hong Yan, Financial Management, 51(3), 2022, 739-765)
Jin Zhao
1. Artificial Intelligence, Education, and Entrepreneurship with Michael Gofman, Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
Li Haitao
1. Time-Varying Risk Aversion and Dynamic Portfolio Allocation (with C. Wu and C. Zhou), Operations Research, January-February 2022, Pages iii-viii, 1-640, C2-C3.
2. Nowcasting GDP Using Dynamics Factor Model with Unknown Number of Factors and Stochastic Volatility: A Bayesian Approach (with C. Yu and X. Zhang), Econometrics and Statistics, Available online 3 September 2021.Volume 24, October 2022, Pages 75-93
Li Xuenan
1. Does Fiscal Policy Matter for Stock-Bond Return Correlation?, with Tao Zha, Ji Zhang and Hao Zhou, 2022, Journal of Monetary Economics, 128, 20-34.
Mei Jianping
1. “Residual Variance and Asset Pricing in the Art Market” (with M. Moses and Y. Zhou), Journal of Cultural Economics, 20 April 2022.
2. “Empirical Evidence of Anchoring and Loss Aversion from Art Auctions," with K. Graddy, L. Loewenstein, M. Moses, and R. Pownall, Journal of Cultural Economics, 17 August 2022.
Na Ke
1. “Is Conservatism Demanded by Performance Measurement in Compensation Contracts? Evidence from Earnings Measures Used in Bonus Formulas,” 2022, (with Ivy Zhang and Yong Zhang), Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
2. “Languages and Corporate Tax Avoidance,” (with Wenjia Yan), 2022, Review of Accounting Studies, 27: 148-184.
Su Dan
1. Surges and Instability: the Maturity Shortening Channel (with Xiang Li), Journal of International Economics, 2022
2. Total Factor Productivity Growth at the Firm-Level: The Within Gain of Capital Account Liberal ization (with Xiang Li), Journal of International Economics, 2022
Sun Baohong
1. “Metaverse and Web3.0”, Harvard Business Review (Chinese version), Nov, 2022.
1. “Digital Transformation and Retail Innovation”
Sun Tianshu
1. Brian Rongqing Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Lixia Wu “Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from The Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba”, MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.
2. Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang and Jun Xu. (2022) “The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy”, Management Science, Forthcoming.
3. Tianshu Sun, Yanhao Max Wei, Joseph Golden (2022) “Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Affects Online Sharing”, Information Systems Research, Forthcoming.
4. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Chu and Lixia Wu (2022) “COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(3), 1261-1285.
Tao Zhigang
1. How local leaders matter: Inter-provincial leadership transfers and land transactions in China, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 50, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 196-220
2. Did Trade Liberalization with China Influence U.S. Elections? Journal of International Economics, Volume 139, November 2022, 103652
Wang Neng
1. Tokenomics and platform finance, with Lin William Cong and Ye Li, Journal of Financial Economics, published in volume 144, 972-991, (2022)
2. Rare disasters, financial development, and sovereign debt, with Sergio Rebelo and Jinqiang Yang, Journal of Finance, published in volume 77(5), 2719-2764, (2022)
3. A q theory of internal capital markets, with Min Dai, Xavier Giroud, and Wei Jiang, Journal of Finance, forthcoming
4. The Endowment Model and Modern Portfolio Theory, with Steve Dimmock and Jinqiang Yang, Management Science, conditionally accepted
Xi Kaiyuan
1. Hsee & Li (2022). A framing effect in the judgment of discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Forthcoming
2. Li, Hsee, & O’Brien (2022). “It could be better” can make it worse: When and why people mistakenly communicate upward counterfactual information. Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming
3. Yang, Y., Li, X., & Hsee, C. K. (2022). Relevance insensitivity: A framework of psychological biases in consumer behavior and beyond." , Consumer Psychology Review, Forthcoming
Xu Lixin
1. Cull, Robert, Li Gan, Nan Gao, Lixin Colin Xu. Forthcoming. “Informal finance and household consumption in China,” (with R. Cull, Li Gan, Nan Gao). Journal of Banking and Finance. Acceptance.
2. Fang, H., M. Liu, L. Hou, L.C. Xu, P. Zhang. Forthcoming. “Factions, Accountability, and Long-Term Development: Theory and Evidence,” Journal of Comparative Economics, Accepted
Zhang Weining
1. “Managerial Career Concerns and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine”, with Ningzhong Li and Terry Shevlin. Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 00, 2022.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1. Zhang, X. M. Forthcoming (2022-February). Organizational resilience: from consensus to empathy. Harvard Business Review (China).
2. Zhang, X. M. (2022-August). Activating the Resilient Flywheel amist the Crisis. Harvard Business Review (China).
3. “The Effects of Advanced Degrees on the Wage Rates, Hours, Earnings and Job Satisfaction of Women and Men” with Joseph Altonji and John Eric Humphries, Research in Labor Economics, forthcoming.
1. 《韧性-不确定时代的精进法则》张晓萌、曹理达,中信出版社, 2022-8
2. 《韧性手册》张晓萌,中信出版社, 2022-12
3. 《重新思考》英中翻译,2022-10 张晓萌、曹理达、付静仪,中信出版社,2022-12
Zhu Rui
1. “The Lasting Smell of Temptation: Counteractive Effects of Indulgent Food Scents” Journal of Business Research, accepted
Zhu Yang
1. Brian Rongqing Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Lixia Wu, "Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-mile Stations at Alibaba", MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.
2. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Chu and Lixia Wu (2022) “COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(3), 1261-1285
3. Chu, L. Y., Y. Rong, H. Zheng, 2022, “Strategic Benefit of Request for Proposal/Quotation,” Operations Research, 70(3), pp. 1293-1952.
Xue Yunkui
1. 《穿透财报,发现互联网的商业逻辑》,薛云奎著,机械工业出版社,2022 年 5 月第一版。
Zhou Chunsheng
1. 专著《新二元经济:新经济繁荣与传统经济再造》于2022年3月由中信出版社出版发行
2. 《无限供给》作为理论开拓型专著,中文版于2020年出版。
英文版《Limitless Supply:New Economy in the Digital Era》于2022年由World Scientific 出版社出版,全球发行"
Brian Viard
1."Air Quality and Manufacturing Firm Productivity: Nationwide Estimates for China," (joint with Shihe Fu and Peng Zhang), Vol. 131, 3241 – 3273,
The Economic Journal.
2."A Mayor’s Perspective on Tackling Air Pollution," (with Shihe Fu) – invited chapter for
Handbook of Real Estate and Macroeconomics to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
3."Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Spillovers: Physical Transport and Economic Costs by Distance" (with Shihe Fu and Peng Zhang) – forthcoming in
Journal of Development Economics.
Fan Xinyu
1."Warcraft: Legitimacy Building of Usurpers",
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 184, 2021, pp. 409-431.
Huang Chunyan
1."Investor Learning and Mutual Fund Flows," with Kelsey Wei and Hong Yan, September 2021,
Financial Management, forthcoming.
1."The 1907 Panic in the US", with Yingbo Shi, published by the
Zhejiang University press, July 2021, ISBN# 9787308210423.
Huang Yi
1."Finance and Firm Volatility: Evidence from Small Business Lending in China", 2021, Forthcoming,
Management Science.
2."Minimum Wage and Corporate Investment", 2021, Forthcoming,
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
3."How Did Rising Labor Cost Erode China's Global Advantage?"", 2021, Forthcoming,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Li Haitao
1."Nowcasting GDP Using Dynamics Factor Model with Unknown Number of Factors and Stochastic Volatility: A Bayesian Approach" (with C. Yu and X. Zhang),
Econometrics and Statistics, forthcoming.
Li Wei
Li Xuenan
1."Real and Nominal Equilibrium Yield Curves", with Alex Hsu and Francisco Palomino, 2021,
Management Science, 67(2), 1138-1158.
Liang Chao
1."Cry-Wolf Syndrome in Recommendation", accepted by
Production and Operations Management (with Baixun Li, Meng Li).
Na Ke
1."Languages and Corporate Tax Avoidance" (with Wenjia Yan)
Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
Ning Zhao
1."List Price and Discount in a Stochastic Selling Process".
Marketing Science, 2021, 40(2).
2."Following the Customers: Dynamic Competitive Repositioning," with J. Miguel Villas-Boas.
Management Science, forthcoming.
Mei Jianping
1."Residual Variance and Asset Pricing in the Art Market" (with M. Moses and Y. Zhou),
Journal of Cultural Economics, Forthcoming.
Sun Baohong
1.Textbook "New Media Marketing and E-Commerce."
Tao Zhigang
1."How local leaders matter inter-provincial leadership transfers and land transactions in China" (with Yue LI, Xiang SHAO, and Hongjie YUAN), forthcoming,
Journal of Comparative Economics.
2."New Nosocomephobia? Changes in Hospitalizations during the COVID-19 Pandemic", Fengman Dou, Mengna Luan, Zhigang Tao, Hongjie Yuan, Fangxue Yu,
Front. Econ. China 2021, 16(4): 607−627.
Zhang Weining
1."Managerial Career Concerns and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine", with Ningzhong Li and Terry Shevlin, accepted by
Contemporary Accounting Research.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1.Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. M., & Long, L. (2021). Job Insecurity, commitment, and proactivity toward the organization and one’s career: Age as a condition.
Human Resource Management Journal, 31:532-552. PR.
2.Zhang, X. M. Forthcoming. Organizational resilience: from consensus to empathy.
Harvard Business Review (China).
Zhong Ling
1.Altonji, Joseph G., and Ling Zhong. "The labor market returns to advanced degrees."
Journal of Labor Economics, 39.2 (2021): 303-360.
2."A Dynamic Pandemic Model Evaluating Reopening Strategies Amid COVID-19".
PloS one. 2021 Mar 26;16(3):e0248302.
3."Optimal Control: Application and Applicability in Times of Pandemics, " (2021) with Ilias Elmouki, Abdelilah Jraifi and Aziz Darouichi.
Integrated Science, Volume 6, Chapter TBD.
4."The Effects of Advanced Degrees on the Wage Rates, Hours, Earnings and Job Satisfaction of Women and Men" with Joseph Altonji and John Eric Humphries,
Research in Labor Economics, forthcoming.
Zhou Chunsheng
1.《无限供给:数字时代新经济》, World Scientific Press
Zhu Yang
1.Chu, L. Y., Brian Wu, 2021, "Designing Online Platforms for Customized Goods and Services: A Market‐Frictions Based Perspective, "
Academy of Management Review, forthcoming.
2.Han B., T. Sun, L. Y. Chu, L. Wu, 2021, "COVID-19 and Ecommerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba,"
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, forthcoming.
Chen Yuxin
1.“Media Attention and Choice of Major: Evidence from Anti-Doctor Violence in China” (coauthored with Dr. Shiyu Bo, Dr. Yan Song and Dr. Sen Zhou) was published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations.
Li Haitao
1.Time-Varying Risk Aversion and Dynamic Portfolio Allocation (with C. Wu and C. Zhou), Operations Research, forthcoming.
2.Unifying Gaussian dynamic term structure models from a Heath-Jarrow-Morton perspective (with X. Ye and F. Yu), European Journal of Operational Research 286, 1153-1167, 2020.
Li Xuenan
1.“What Do Nominal Rigidities and Monetary Policy Tell Us about the Real Yield Curve?”, coauthored with Alex Hsu and Francisco Palomino, forthcoming at Management Science.
Li Yang
1.Ryan Dew, Yang Li, and Asim Ansari (2020), “Modeling Dynamic Heterogeneity using Gaussian Processes,” Journal of Marketing Research, 57(1), 55-57.
Na Ke
1.“CEOs’ Outside Opportunities and Relative Performance Evaluation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment” in Journal of Financial Economics.
2.“Languages and Corporate Tax Avoidance” co-authored with Wenjia in Review of Accounting Studies.
Song Zhongzhi
1.“Endogenous Asset Fire Sales and Bank Lending Incentive," was accepted by the Quarterly Journal of Finance.
Sun Baohong
1.Textbook “New Media Marketing and E-Commerce.”
1.“Machine learning and AI in marketing – Connecting computing power to human insights” International Journal of Research in Marketing. Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 481-504.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1.Zhang, X. M. (2020-October/November forthcoming). H.E.R. leadership: Bridging the gender gap by degendering. Harvard Business Review (China).
2.Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. M., & Long, L. (forthcoming). Job Insecurity, commitment, and proactivity toward the organization and one’s career: Age as a condition. Human Resource Management Journal. PR.
3.Sharon, N. S., Zhang, H., & Zhang, X. M. (forthcoming). Emotional labor and employee creativity: A multi-level investigation of psychological attachment/detachment and team creative efficacy. Creativity Research Journal. PR
4.Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. (2020). Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37: 325-344. PR
Zhong Ling
1.“The Labor Market Return to Advanced Degrees,” (2020) with Joseph Altonji, accepted by Journal of Labor Economics.
Zhou Chunsheng
Zhu Rui
Huang Yi
1.Local Crowding‐Out in China, Yi Huang, Marco Pagano and Ugo Panizza, Journal of Finance, 26 July 2020.
2.Firm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China’s Minimum Wage Policy, Harald Hau, Yi Huang and Gewei Wang, The Review of Economic Studies, 06 January 2020.
Zhu Yang
1.Chu, L. Y., H. Nazerzadeh, H. Zhang, 2020, “Position Ranking and Auction for Online Marketplaces,” Management Science, 66(8), pp. 3295-3798.
2.Chen, Y.-J., L. Y. Chu, 2020, “Synchronizing Pricing and Replenishment to Serve Forward-looking Customers,” Naval Research Logistics, 67(5), pp. 321-333.
Brian Viard
1.“Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus,” (with Shihe Fu, Xiamen University) – Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 19, No. 3, 723 – 752, May 2019.
Fan Xinyu
1.Strategic Promotion, Reputation, and Responsiveness in Bureaucratic Hierarchies, Journal of Theoretical Politics (2019) 31(3), 286-307
Huang Chunyan
1."Government Debt and Corporate Leverage: International Evidence" (with Irem Demirci and Clemens Sialm, Journal of Financial Economics, 133(2), 2019, 337-356)
Huang Rong
1.Market Valuation of Intangible Asset: Evidence on SG&A Expenditure (with Rajiv Banker, Ram Natarajan, and Sha Zhao), The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
2.Spillover Effect of Fraud Allegations and Investor Sentiment (with Masako Darrough and Sha Zhao), Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.
Featured by The Economist
Li Haitao
1.Macroeconomic Risks and Asset Pricing: Evidence from a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model (with E. Li and C. Yu), Management Science 65, 3585-3604, 2019.
2.Exploring Statistical Arbitrage Opportunities in the Term Structure of CDS Spreads (with R. Jarrow and X. Ye), Review of Finance 23, 161-198, 2019.
3.Nowcasting Chinese GDP Using a Bayesian Approach (with Y. Hong, C. Yu, and X. Zhang), Journal of Management Science and Engineering 3, 232-258, 2019.
Li Xuenan
1."Real and Nominal Equilibrium Yield Curves, with Alex Hsu and Francisco Palomino”, coauthor with Alex Hsu and Francisco Palomino, Management Science, forthcoming.
Li Yang
1.“Modeling Dynamic Heterogeneity using Gaussian Processes,” Ryan Dew, Yang Li, and Asim Ansari, forthcoming at Journal of Marketing Research.
Mei Jianping
1.Artist Liquidity And Financial Performance, Citi Wealth Management, forthcoming.
Song Zhongzhi
1.Investment Shocks and Asset Prices: An Investment-based Approach," with Lorenzo Garlappi, accepted by Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, July 2019.
Sun Baohong
1.“Wisdom Medical-Cracking the "Tie Triangle" Dilemma” Harvard Business Review (Chinese version), Feb, 2019.
2."Individual Consumer's Learning in the Process of Technology Implementation: A Bayesian Estimation of a Bayesian Learning Approach,” Haijing Hao, Rema Padman, Baohong Sun and Rahul Telang, forthcoming at Electronic Commerce Research.
Wang Yijiang
1.“The Wealth of Nations: A Further Inquiry into its Nature and Causes”, SSRN, 2019.
Zhang Weining
1.“Restrictions on Managers’ Outside Employment Opportunities and Asymmetric Disclosure of Bad versus Good News”, with Ashiq Ali and Ningzhong Li. The Accounting Review, Vol. 94, 2019 (Lead article).
Zhang Xiaomeng
1.Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (forthcoming). PR
2.Zhang, X. M. (2019). Chinese executive leadership transformation: Leading change by change. Harvard Business Review (China), 4: 138-140.
3.Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. K. (2019). Team behavioral integration links team interdependence with team performance: An empirical investigation in R&D teams. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13 (1): 7-26. PR
4.Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. K. (2019). Empowering leadership and team creativity: The roles of team learning behavior, team creative efficacy, and team task complexity. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative leadership: Contexts and Prospects: 95-121. New York, NY: Routledge. PR
Zhu Rui
1.Wang, Chen, Ravi Mehta, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Jennifer Argo (2019), “Dim or Bright? The Impact of Ambient Illuminance on Consumer Response to Innovative Solutions,” forthcoming, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, volume 4, number 3. Published online May 13, 2019.
2.Su, Lei, Yuwei Jiang, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, “The Shape of Money (2019): The Impact of Financial Resources on Product Shape Preference,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, special issue on Transformative Consumer Aesthetics, Vol. 4, number 4.
Zhu Yang
1.Position Ranking and Auction for Online Marketplaces, (with H. Nazerzadeh, H. Zhang to Management Science, May 2019).
2.Strategic Benefit of Request for Proposal/Quotation (with Y. Rong, H. Zheng, accepted to Operations Research, Sep. 2019).
Brian Viard
1.“Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus,” (with Shihe Fu, Xiamen University) – forthcoming in Journal of Economic Geography.
Fang Xiaoyang
1.Christina Fang and Jason Kim. The Power and Limits of Modularity: A Replication and Reconciliation of Ethiraj and Levinthal (2004a) and Marengo et al. (2000), Conditional Acceptance, Strategic Management Journal.
Jennifer Huang
1.Government Debt and Corporate Leverage: International Evidence (with Irem Demirci and Clemens Sialm, April 2018, forthcoming, Journal of Financial Economics.
2.Complex Mortgages (with Gene Amromin, Clemens Sialm, and Edward Zhong, February 2018, forthcoming, Review of Finance.
Huang Rong
1.Spillover Effect of Fraud Allegations and Investor Sentiment (with Masako Darrough and Sha Zhao), Contemporary Accounting Research, conditionally accepted.
2.Acquirer Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control (with Masako Darrough and Emanuel Zur), Contemporary Accounting Research, 2018, 35 (1):211–244.
3.Is the Asymmetric Cost Behavior Affected by Competition Factors? (with Joonhei Cheung, Hyunpyo Kim, and Seungjun Kim), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2018, 25 (1-2): 218-234.
Jing Bing
1.Showrooming and webrooming: Information externalities between traditional and online sellers, Marketing Science, May-June 2018.
Li Haitao
1.Exploring Statistical Arbitrage Opportunities in the Term Structure of CDS Spreads with Robert Jarrow and Xiaoxia Ye Review of Finance Forthcoming.
2.Now casting Chinese GDP Using a Bayesian Approach Cindy Yu and Yongmiao Hong Journal of Management Science and Engineering Conditionally accepted.
Li Xuenan
1. “Investment and Inventory Management under Financial Constraints: Theory and Evidence”, coauthored with Sudipto Dasgupta and Dong Yan, forthcoming at Review of Financial Studies.
2.“The CAPM Strikes Back? An Investment Model with Disasters”, coauthored with Hang Bai, Kewei Hou, Howard Kund, and Lu Zhang, forthcoming at Journal of Financial Economics.
Li Yang
1.“An Empirical Study of National vs. Local Pricing by Chain Stores under Competition,” Yang Li, Oded Netzer and Brett Gordon, forthcoming at Marketing Science.
2.“Probabilistic Topic Model for Hybrid Recommender Systems: A Stochastic Variational Bayesian Approach,'' Asim Ansari, Yang Li and Jonathan Z. Zhang, forthcoming at Marketing Science.
One book chapter published:
1.“Big Data: Methods and Case Studies,” Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support, Eds. Natalie Mizik and Dominique M. Hanssens, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
Liang Chao
1."Can Strategic Customer Behavior Speed Up Product Innovation?" accepted and published at Production and Operations Management (UTD 24) (with Metin Çakanyildirim, Suresh P. Sethi)
Sun Baohong
1.Textbook “New Media Marketing and E-Commerce.”
1.“智慧医疗:破解“铁三角”困局,”forthcoming, Harvard Business Review, (Chinese version).
2."Individual Consumer's Learning in the Process of Technology Implementation: A Bayesian Estimation of a Bayesian Learning Approach,” Haijing Hao, Rema Padman, Baohong Sun and Rahul Telang, forthcoming at Electronic Commerce Research.
3.“Modeling social learning on consumers’ long-term usage of a mobile technology: a Bayesian estimation of a Bayesian learning model”, Haijing Hao, Rema Padman, Baohong Sun, Rahul Telang, Electronic Commerce Research, pp1-21, 2018.
4."An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Purchase Behavior of Base Products and Add-ons,” Liu, Xiao, Tim Dendenger and Baohong Sun. Marketing Science, 37(4), 507-684.
5.“Everywhere and at All Times: Mobility, Consumer Decision Making, and Choice,” Lurie, Nicholas H. and Berger, Jonah A. and Chen, Zoey and Li, Beibei and Liu, Hongju and Mason, Charlotte and Muir, David M. and Packard, Grant M. and Pancras, Joseph and Schlosser, Ann and Sun, Baohong and Venkatesan, Rajkumar. Customer Needs and Solutions, 2018, 5(1), 15-27.
6.“Quantifying the Impact of Social Influence on Information Technology,” Haijing Hao, Rema Padman, Baohong Sun and Rahul Telang. Information System Research, 2018, 29(1), 25-41.
Xue Yunkui
Zhang Xiaomeng
1.Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (forthcoming).
2.Kwan, H., Zhang, X. M., Liu, J., & Lee, C. Workplace ostracism and employee creativity: An integrative approach incorporating pragmatic and engagement roles. Journal of Applied Psychology (forthcoming).
3.Zhang, X., & Kwan, H. K. (2019). Empowering leadership and team creativity: The roles of team learning behavior, team creative efficacy, and team task complexity. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative leadership: Contexts and Prospects: 95-121. New York, NY: Routledge.
4.Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. (2018). Team learning goal orientation and innovation: Roles of transactive memory system and task interdependence. Journal of Business Management and Administration Affair, 1 (109): 2-10.
Zhu Rui
1.Tong, Luqiong, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Yuhuang Zheng, and Ping Zhao (2018) “Warmer or Cooler, The Influence of Ambient Temperature on Complex Choices,” forthcoming, Marketing Letters.
2.Rui (Juliet) Zhu and Ravi Mehta (2018), “Sensory Experiences and Consumer Creativity,” Journal of Association for Consumer Research, 2, 472-84
Brian Viard
1.“Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus,” (with Shihe Fu, Xiamen University) – conditional acceptance at Journal of Economic Geography.
2.“Who Benefits from Alibaba’s Singles Day?” Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature of Economics, 2017 (2), 70 – 71. 谁从阿里巴巴光棍节中获利?《经济资料译丛》2017年第2期, 70-71。
3.“Price Wars and Why Companies Just Can’t Get Along,” Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature of Economics, 2017 (1), 54 – 55. 价格战与为何公司间不能友好相处? 《经济资料译丛》2017年第1期,54-55。
Fang Xiaoyang
1.Chengwei Liu, Ivo Vlaev, Christina Fang, Jerker Denrell and Nick Chater. 2017. Strategizing with Behavioral Biases: Engineering Choice Contexts for Better Decisions using Mindspace Approach. California Management Review (special issue on Behavioral Strategy and Management Practice). 59(3). 135-161.
Gan Jie
1.“China’s Decentralized Privatization and Change of Control Rights.”, with Yan Guo, Review of Financial Studies. 05 September 2017.
Jing Bing
1.“Behavior-based pricing, production efficiency, and quality differentiation,” Bing Jing, Management Science, July, 2017.
2.“Showrooming and webrooming: Information externalities between traditional and online sellers,” Bing Jing, Marketing Science, accepted on December 9, 2017.
Li Haitao
1.Macroeconomic Risks and Asset Pricing: Evidence from a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model (with E. Li and C. Yu), Management Science, forthcoming.
Li Xuenan
1.“Do Underwriters Compete in IPO pricing?” with Evgeny Lyandres and Fangjian Fu, Management Science, forthcoming.
2.“Corporate Governance and Costs of Equity: Theory and Evidence”, with Di Li, Management Science, forthcoming.
3.Macroeconomic Risks and Asset Pricing: Evidence from a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model, with Haitao Li, Shujing Wang, and Cindy Yu, Management Science, conditionally accepted.
Liang Chao
1."The Value of "Bespoke": Demand Quantity Learning, Preference Learning, and Consumer Behaviors," Forthcoming, Management Science.
Ouyang Hui
1.“Net Trade and Market Efficiencyin Grossman and Stiglitz (1980)” (with W. Wu), Journal of Economic Theory, 167, 75-85 (2017).
Song Zhongzhi
1.“Capital Utilization, Market Power, and the Pricing of Investment Shocks," with Lorenzo Garlappi, Journal of Financial Economics (2017), 126(3), 447-470
2.“Can Investment Shocks Explain the Cross-Section of Equity Returns?" with Lorenzo Garlappi, Management Science (2017), 63(11), 3829-3848
Sun Baohong
1.“An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Purchase Behavior of Base Products and Add-ons,”Liu, Xiao, Tim Dendenger and Baohong Sun, forthcoming at Marketing Science.
2.“Everywhere and at All Times: Mobility, Consumer Decision Making, and Choice,” Lurie, Nicholas H. and Berger, Jonah A. and Chen, Zoey and Li, Beibei and Liu, Hongju and Mason, Charlotte and Muir, David M. and Packard, Grant M. and Pancras, Joseph and Schlosser, Ann and Sun, Baohong and Venkatesan, Rajkumar, forthcoming at Customer Needs and Solutions.
3.“Quantifying the Impact of Social Influence on Information Technology,” Haijing Hao, Rema Padman, Baohong Sun and Rahul Telang, forthcoming at Information System Research.
4.“Is Core-Periphery Network Good for Knowledge Sharing? -- A Structural Model of Endogenous Network Formation on a Crowdsourced Customer Support Forum,” Yingda Lu, Param Singh, Baohong Sun. Forthcoming at Management Information Systems Quarterly.
5.“Empirical Analysis of Purchase and Consumption Decisions of Health Insurance,” Jian Ni, Nitin Mehan, Kannan Srinivasan and Baohong Sun. Marketing Science, 2017, 36(3) , 338-360.
Zhang Xiaomeng
1.Zhang*, X. M., Zhou*, J., & Kwan, H. K. (2017). Configuring challenge and hindrance contexts for introversion and creativity: Joint effects of task complexity and guanxi management. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143: 54-68 (*equal contribution).
Zhu Rui
1.Chae, Boyoun (Grace), Darren Dahl, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2017), “”Our" Brand's Failure Leads to "Their" Product Derogation,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27, 466-472
2.Mehta, Ravi, Darren Dahl, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2017), “Social-Recognition versus Financial Incentives? Exploring the Effects of Creativity-Contingent External Rewards on Creative Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research (44), 536-553.
Brian Viard
1.“Countering Supplier Power: Can an Employee be Too Good?,” Forbes India, June 15, 2016.
2.“Market Entry: To Boldly Go where Others Have Gone Before,” South China Morning Post (Education Post), April 21, 2016.
3.“Price Wars and Why Companies Just Can’t Get Along,” South China Morning Post (Education Post), January 28, 2016.
Cao Huining
1.“Transaction Risk, Derivative Assets, and Equilibrium”, with Dongyan Ye, Quarterly Journal of Finance, 6(01), 1650001, 2016.
Jing Bing
1.“Behavior-Based Pricing, Production Efficiency and Quality Differentiation”, Management Science, published online on June 30, 2016.
2.“Customer Recognition in Experience Versus Inspection Good Markets”, Management Science, Jan. 2016.
3.“Lowering Customer Evaluation Costs, Product Differentiation and Price Competition,” Marketing Science, Jan.-Feb., 2016.
Li Haitao
1.Hedge Fund Performance Evaluation under the Stochastic Discount Factor Framework (with Y. Xu and X. Zhang), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51, 231-257, 2016.
2.CDS-Bond Basis and Bond Return Predictability, Journal of Empirical Finance, 38, 307-337, 2016.
3.The CDS/Bond Basis Arbitrage: A Stabilizing in Corporate Bond Markets (with W. Zhang and G. Kim), Journal of Futures Markets, conditionally accepted.
Li Xuenan
1.“Do Underwriters Compete in IPO pricing?” with Evgeny Lyandres and Fangjian Fu, Management Science, forthcoming.
2.“Corporate Governance and Costs of Equity: Theory and Evidence”, with Di Li, Management Science, forthcoming.
Mei Jianping
1.“Ordering and Revenue in sequential Auction” (with H. Hong, M. Moses, J. Kubic, and I. Kremer), Rand Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Ouyang Hui
1.“Net Trade and Market Efficiencyin Grossman and Stiglitz (1980)” (with W. Wu), Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming.
Song Zhongzhi
1.“Can Investment Shocks Explain the Cross-Section of Equity Returns?” 2016, with Lorenzo Garlappi, Management Science, forthcoming.
2.“Asset Growth and Idiosyncratic Return Volatility”, Review of Finance (2016), 20(3), 1235-1258.
Sun Baohong
1.Customer-Centric Marketing: A Pragmatic Framework with Ravi R. The MIT Press. March 2016.
Articles Published in Refereed Journals:
1.“Is Core-Periphery Network Good for Knowledge Sharing? -- A Structural Model of Endogenous Network Formation on a Crowdsourced Customer Support Forum,” Yingda Lu, Param Singh, Baohong Sun. Forthcoming at Management Information Systems Quarterly.
2.“Empirical Analysis of Purchase and Consumption Decisions of Health Insurance,” Jian Ni, Nitin Mehan, Kannan Srinivasan and Baohong Sun. Forthcoming at Marketing Science.
Zhang Weining
1.“Management Team Incentive: Dispersion and Firm Performance”, with Robert Bushman and Zhonglan Dai. The Accounting Review, Vol. 91, 2016.
2.“Conservative Reporting and Securities Class Action Lawsuits”, with Michael Ettredge and Ying Huang. Accounting Horizon, Vol. 30, 2016.
Zhu Rui
1.Wang Chen, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Todd Handy “Experiencing Haptic Roughness Enhances Empathy,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology.
2.“Discriminating Against the Rich” with Boyoun Chae, Kate White, and Darren Dahl, under review at OBHDP.
3.Mehta, Ravi, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Darren Dahl, “Money or Social-Recognition? Exploring the Effects of Creativity Contingent External Rewards on Creativity,” conditionally accepted.
Brian Viard
1.“The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity,” (lead author with Shihe Fu, Research Institute of Economics and Management, 125, 98 – 115, May 2015.
Jing Bing
1."Customer recognition in experience versus inspection good markets," was accepted for publication at Management Science.
2.“Lowering Customer Evaluation Costs, Product Differentiation and Price Competition,” Marketing Science on Jan 5, 2015.
3.Behavior-Based Pricing, Production Efficiency and Quality Differentiation" was accepted by Management Science on December 15, 2015.
Sun Baohong
1.“Implications of Self-Control of Vice Goods on Price and Promotion Effects.” Brett Gordon and Baohong Sun, at Marketing Science, 2015.
2.“A Dynamic Model of Rational Addiction: Evaluating Cigarette Taxes.” Brett Gordon and Baohong Sun. Marketing Science, 2015, 34(3), 452–70.
3. “Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease-An Empirical Analysis of Customer Voice and Firm Intervention on Twitter.” Sunder Kekre, Liye Ma, and Baohong Sun. Forthcoming at Marketing Science.
4.“An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Purchase Decisions under Price-Discrimination Bucket Pricing.” Yacheng Sun, Shibo Li, and Baohong Sun. Forthcoming at Marketing Science.
1. Customer-Centric Marketing: A Pragmatic Framework with Ravi R. The MIT Press.Spring of 2016.
Ou-Yang Hui
1.“Feedback Trading between Fundamental and Non-fundamental Information ", with Ming Guo, Review of Financial Studies, 28, 247--296. 2015.
2.“Sharpe Ratio and Alpha Decay in Continuous-time”, with Ming Guo, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2015.
Song Zhongzhi
1.“Asset Growth and Idiosyncratic Return Volatility” was accepted at Review of Finance.
Zhang Weining
1.“CEO Tenure and Earnings Management”, with Ashiq Ali. Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 59, 2015.
2.“Management Team Incentive Dispersion and Firm Performance”, with Robert Bushman and Zhonglan Dai. The Accounting Review forthcoming.
3.“An Evaluation of Chinese Firms’ Profitability: 2005-2013”, with Jing Liu and James Ohlson.Accounting Horizon forthcoming.
4.“Conservative Reporting and Securities Class Action Lawsuits”, with Michael Ettredge and Ying Huang. Accounting Horizon forthcoming.
Jing Bing
1."Finance sourcing in a supply chain", with Abraham Seidmann, Decision Support Systems, Feb. 2014.
Li Xuenan
1.“Nominal Rigidities, Asset Returns and Monetary Policy”, 2014, with Francisco Palomino, Journal of Monetary Economics, 66, 210–225.
Li Yang
1."A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach for Endogeneity and Heterogeneity in Choice Models”, with Asim Ansari,Management Science, vol60,2014,
Liang Chao
1."Analysis of Product Rollover Strategies in the Presence of Strategic Customers", with Metin Çakanyildirim, Suresh P. Sethi,Management Science, vol60,2014.
2."Inventory Sharing with Transshipment: Impacts of Demand Distribution Shapes and Setup Costs," forthcoming in Production and Operations Management. (with Suresh P. Sethi, Ruixia Shi, Jun Zhang)
Liu Tingjun
1.“Raising Money, with Christine Parlour”, under review at American Economic Review since July 2014.
2.“Targeting Target Shareholders, with Dan Bernhardt and Robert Marquez”, under review at Management Science since September 2014.
Ou-Yang Hui
1.“Feedback Trading between Fundamental and Non-fundamental Information”, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
2."Strategic Trading with Fundamental and Non-Fundamental Information", with Ming Guo, Review of Financial Studies ,Forthcoming.
Sun Baohong
1."Implications of Self-Control of Vice Goods on Price and Promotion Effects", with Brett Gordon, Marketing Science, Forthcoming.
Zhang Jinfan
1.Collateral-Motivated Financial Innovation (with Ji Shen and Hongjun Yan), Review of Financial Studies 2014, Review of Financial Studies
Zhang Weining
1."CEO Tenure and Earnings Management", JAE, conditionally accepted.
2. “Discussion of Board Interlocks and the Diffusion of Disclosure Policy”, Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3, September 2014.
Zhu Rui
1.Mehta, Ravi, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Joan Meyers-Levy, “When Does a Higher Construal Level Increase or Decrease Indulgence? Resolving the Myopia versus Hyperopia Puzzle?” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Research.
2.Chae, Boyoun (Grace) and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, “Environmental Disorder Leads to Self-Regulatory Failure,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Research.
Chen Long
1."What Drives Stock Price Movements?", with Zhi Da and Xinlei Zhao, Review of Financial Studies, lead article, 2013.
Li Lede
1."Control of Dividends, Capital Subscriptions, and Physical Inventories," with M. Shubik and M. Sobel, Management Science, vol. 59(5), 1107-1124, 2013.
Li Xiaoyang
1.“Productivity, Restructuring, and the Gains from Takeovers", Journal of Financial Economics, (2013), 109, 250-271.
Li Yang
1."Does Price Elasticity Vary with Economic Growth? A Cross-Category Analysis" with Brett Gordon and Avi Goldfarb, Journal of Marketing Research, 50(1), Lead Article, 2013.
Wang Yijiang
1.Yijiang Wang, 2013. “The Fifth Wisdom of Entrepreneurs.” (Qi Ye Jia de Di Wu Zhong Zhi Hui.) Economic Observers (Jing Ji Guan Cha Bao, Oct. 15).
Zhang Jinfan
1.“Anticipated and Repeated Shocks in Liquid Markets”, with Dong Lou and Hongjun Yan, Revised &Resubmitted at Review of Financial Studies, 2013.
Zhang Kaifu
1.“Contextual Advertising”, with Zsolt Katona, Marketing Science, 31, (6), 980-994, 2013.
Zhang Weining
1.“Voluntary Disclosure and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from the 2005 Securities Offering Reform”, with Nemit O. Shroff, Amy X. Sun, and Hal D. White, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 51, Issue 5, pages 1299–1345, December 2013.
2.“Executive Pay-Performance Sensitivity and Litigation”, with Zhonglan Dai and Li Jin, Contemporary Accounting Research, 2013.
3. “Restatement Disclosures and Management Earnings Forecasts”, with Michael Ettredge and Ying Huang. Accounting Horizon, Vol. 27, Issue 2, June 2013.
Zhu Rui
1.Zhu, Rui (Juliet), and Jennifer Argo (2013), “Exploring the Impact of Various Shaped Seating Arrangements on Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.
2.Chae, Boyoun (Grace), Xiuping Li, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2013), “Judging Product Effectiveness from Perceived Spatial Proximity,” Journal of Consumer Research.
Chen Long
1.Dividend Smoothing and Predictability, with Zhi Da and Richard Priestley, Management Science, forthcoming.
Gan Jie
1.“Transparency, Price Informativeness, and Stock Return Synchronicity: Theory and Evidence”, with Suditpo Dasgupta and Ning Gao, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Li Xiaoyang
1."Workers, Unions, and Takeovers", Journal of Labor Research, (2012), 33, 443-460.
Liu Tingjun
1."Takeover Bidding with Signaling Incentives", accepted at Review of Financial Studies, Volume 2, 522-556, 2012.
Ou-yang Hui
1.“Strategic Trading with Fundamental and Non-fundamental Information,” with M. Guo, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
2.“Beauty Contests, Risk Shifting, and Bubbles”, with H. Cao, Econometrica, forthcoming.
Sun Baohong
1."The ISMS Durable Goods Datasets," with Jian Ni and Scott Neslin (database article), Marketing Science, forthcoming.
2."Ushering Buyers into Electronic Channels", with Nishtha Langer, Chris Forman, Sunder Kekre, Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
3."A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of Loyalty Programs on Customer Behavior", with Praveen Kopalle, Scott A. Neslin, Yacheng Sun, and Vanitha Swaminathan, Marketing Science, 31(2), 216-235, 2012.
Zhang Kaifu
1.“Contextual Advertising”, with Zsolt Katona, Marketing Science, forthcoming.
2.“Content Contributor Management and Network Effects in a UGC Environment”, with Theodoros Evgeniou, V.Padmanabhan and Emile Richard, Marketing Science, May/June 2012 31:433-447, 2012.
Zhang Weining
1.“Earnings Restatements and Differential Timeliness of Accounting Conservatism”, with Michael Ettredge and Ying Huang. Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 54, Issue 2, 2012 (Leading article in the Issue).
2.“Asymmetric Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash Holdings”, with Dichu Bao and Kam C. Chan. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 18, 2012.
3.“Bank Discrimination, Holding Bank Ownership, and Economic Consequences: Evidence from China”, with Zhengfei Lu and Jigao Zhu. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 36, No.2, 2012.
Cao Huining
1."Taking The Road Less Traveled By: Does Conversation Eradicate Pernicious Cascades?" with Hirshleifer, D., Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.146, July 2011.
2."Fear of The Unknown: The Effects of Familiarity on Financial Decisions", with Han, B., Hirshleifer, D. and Zhang, H. H., Review of Finance, 2011.
Chen Long
1."Do Time-Varying Risk Premiums Explain Labor Market Performance?", with Zhang, L., Journal of Financial Economics, 2011.
Huang Chunyan
1."Risk Shifting and Mutual Fund Performance", with Sialm, C. and Zhang, H., Review of Financial Studies, March, 24 (8), 2575-2616, 2011.
Jing Bing
1.“Seller Honesty and Product Line Pricing”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, June, 2011.
2.“Social Learning and Dynamic Pricing of Durable Goods”, Marketing Science, June, 2011.
3."Exogenous Learning, Seller-Induced Learning, and Marketing of Durable Goods", Management Science, June, 2011.
4."Pricing Experience Goods: The Effects of Customer Recognition and Commitment", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol.20, 2011.
5."Product Line Competition and Price Promotions", with Zhang, Z. J., Quantitative Marketing and Economics, vol.9, 2011.
Li Wei
1."Provincial and Local Governments in China: Fiscal Institutions and Government Behavior", Capitalizing China, January 2011.
Li Xiaoyang
1."Subsidiary Divestiture and Acquisition in a Financial Crisis", (with M. Zhou and J. Svejnar), Journal of Corporate Finance, (2011), 17, 272-287.
Liao Jianwen
1.“The Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurial Risk”. In David L. Bodde & Caron H. St, John (eds). With Gartner, William, Chance and Intent: Managing the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Taylor and Francis: Routledge Publisher, 2011.
Liu Jing
1.“Leverage, Excess leverage and Future Stock Returns”, with Caskey, J. and Hughes, J., Review of Accounting Studies, 2011.
Ou-yang Hui
1."A Model of Portfolio Delegation and Strategic Trading", with Kyle, A. S. and Wei, B., Review of Financial Studies, 24, 3778-3812, 2011.
Sun Baohong
1."Cross-Selling the Right Product to the Right Customer at the Right Time," with Shibo Li, Alan Montgomery, Journal of Marketing Research, 48(4), 683-700, 2011.
2."Learning and Acting Upon Customer Information: A Simulation-Based Demonstration on Service Allocations with Offshore Centers", with Shibo Li, Journal of Marketing Research, 2011.
Brian Viard
1.“Pricing of Complements and Network Effects”, with Nicholas Economides, Regulation and the Economic Performance of Communication and Information Network, edited by Gary Madden, Edward Elgar, 2011.
2.“The Effect of Market Structure On Cellular Technology Adoption and Pricing”, with Seim, K., American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol.3, No.2, 221-251, May 2011.
Zhang Kaifu
1.“A Theorem of the Maximin and Applications to Bayesian Zero-sum Games”, with Timothy Van Zandt, International Journal of Game Theory, 40, (2) , 289-308, 2011.
Chen Long
1."Are Financial Constraints Priced? Evidence from Firm Fundamentals and Stock Returns", with Campello, M., Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol.42, 2010.
Gan Jie
1."Housing Wealth and Consumption Growth: Evidence from a Large Panel of Households", Review of Financial Studies, vol.23, 2010.
"Transparency, Price Informativeness, and Stock Return Synchronicity: Theory and Evidence", with Dasgupta, S. and Gao, N., Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol.45, 2010.
Huang Chunyan
1."Market Liquidity, Asset Prices, and Welfare", with Wang, J., Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 95(1), 2010. (received the best paper award for DeGroote/IIROC 3rd Annual Conference on Market Structure and Market Integrity)
Mei Jianping
1.“Wealth Management for Collectors”, with M. Moses, Journal of Investment Consulting Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 50-59, 2010
2.“A simple test for distinguishing between internal reference price theories.” Tulin Erdem, Michael Katz, and Baohong Sun, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010, 8(3), 303.
Sun Baohong
1.“Stated intentions and purchase behavior: A unified model", with Vicki Morwitz. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2010. 27(4), 356-366.
2.“Separating Signaling Effects and Reference Price Effects", with Tulin Erdem, Michael Katz, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010, 8(3), 303.