祝贺孙修顺、白建功同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报

发布时间:2021-09-27 18:10

有志者,事竟成。2021年9月27日,孙修顺、白建功两位同学迎来了他们的最终答辩时刻。DBA四期同学、韦立国际集团创始人兼总裁孙修顺研究课题《跨文化及同文化之间信任的建立: 基于几内亚的研究》,DBA五期班同学、领亚集团创始人兼董事长白建功研究课题《产业园模式中集群企业创新绩效研究——来自深圳的数据》。两位同学学术成果丰硕,答辩现场阐述精彩,最终顺利通过答辩。恭喜孙修顺、白建功同学,让我们一起来回顾他们的高光时刻。

企业家学者项目(DBA)以成就新商业文明思想者和引领者为愿景,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程。以框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心为课程主轴,整合全球优质教育资源。课程涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。旨在帮助同学实现“理解 - 判断 - 实践 - 引领”的跨越式发展与提升,成为新商业文明的先行者。孙修顺和白建功同学经过完整的体系化学习与研究,迈进了探索真知的新格局和新高度。


▇ 孙修顺同学导师团

TAN Hwee Hoon

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources,SMU

WANG Yijiang

Professor of Human Resources Management and Economics,CKGSB

Angela LEUNG

Associate Professor of Psychology,SMU

▇ 白建功同学导师团

GENG Xuesong

Associate Professor of Strategic Management,SMU

WANG Yijiang

Professor of Human Resources Management and Economics,CKGSB

LI Jing

Assistant Professor of Economics,SMU

孙修顺 | 跨文化及同文化之间信任的建立: 基于几内亚的研究




在研究 1 中,我们对在几内亚子公司中的两个主要部门工作的 19 名中国组长、20 名几内亚组长和 19 名几内亚员工进行了半结构化访谈。我们发现,对于中国组长和几内亚员工,建立信任的各种前因的重要性是不同的。中国组长更看重能力和正直,几内亚员工更看重仁爱。我们还比较了人际信任和对组织的信任,并观察了其不同的前因和结果。基于研究 1 的见解,我们提出了同文化和跨文化的人际信任、对组织的信任和员工绩效的模型。在研究 2 中,182 名几内亚员工及其中国/几内亚直接领导完成了人际信任和组织信任的问卷,用以检验模型。回归分析和结构方程模型用于检查提出的假设。结果表明,几内亚员工对组织的信任提高了他们的绩效;几内亚员工对组织的信任在其对几内亚组长的信任与其绩效之间起中介作用;几内亚组长对中国组长的信任正向影响几内亚员工对组织的信任,并正向调节几内亚员工对组织的信任与其绩效之间的正相关关系。


With the development of African economy and the increasing Chinese MNCs operating in Africa, there is a need to have a better understanding of the trust relationships between Chinese expatriates and African HCNs in the organizational environment. We adopt both qualitative and quantitative approaches to understand the trust relationships between Chinese supervisors, Guinea supervisors and Guinea subordinates in a Chinese MNC’s subsidiary in Guinea, compare the difference within culture and across culture, and examine how the interpersonal trust and the trust in the organization affect employees’ job performance. 


In study 1, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 Chinese supervisors, 20 Guinea supervisors and 19 Guinea subordinates working in the two main sectors of the Chinese MNC. We found that the importance of the various trust antecedents is different for Chinese expatriates and Guinea workers. Chinese expatriates put more weightage on ability and integrity while Guinea workers care more about benevolence. We also compared the interpersonal trust and trust in the organization, and observed different antecedents and outcomes. Drawing on the insights of study 1, we proposed a model of interpersonal trust within and across cultures, trust in the organization and the employees’ performance. In study 2, 182 Guinea subordinates and their direct Chinese/Guinea supervisors completed the survey of interpersonal trust and the trust in the organization to test the model. Regressions and SEM were used to examine the proposed hypothesis. The results showed that Guinea subordinate’s trust in the organization increases their performance; Guinea subordinate’s trust in the organization plays a mediating role between their trust in Guinea supervisors and their performance; Guinea supervisor’s trust in Chinese supervisor positively affects Guinea subordinate’s trust in the organization, and moderates the positive relationship between Guinea subordinate’s trust in the organization and their performance.

白建功 | 产业园模式中集群企业创新绩效研究——来自深圳的数据








How about the innovation performance of enterprises clustered in the industrial parks?  This is the core question of this study. Based on the thinking and evolution of the question, this study will focus on the impact of industrial agglomeration on enterprise innovation performance with enterprise relations and informal institution as intermediate variables.

In this study, Shenzhen, as a city of innovation, is selected as the research area where sample parks and enterprises can be investigated to obtain data. This study constructs and measures the strength of informal institution and enterprise innovation performance through grounded theory and fuzzy matter-element method, evaluates the enterprise relationship in the parks through social network analysis(SNA), and then takes cluster enterprises, the operation of industrial park, enterprise relations in the parks and enterprise innovation performance as four variable sets, build models, and use the method of regression analysis to judge the impact of various factors on enterprise innovation performance in the industrial parks.


This study found that the industrial agglomeration has no direct and significant positive impact on the network of clustering enterprises, but significant positive impact on enterprise innovation performance. Network and informal institution also have significant positive impact on enterprise innovation performance, and informal institution has an intermediary effect between industrial cluster and enterprise innovation. Especially in Shenzhen, the informal institutional relationship consisted of blood, geography, industry and learning plays an important role. For industrial parks with a certain scale, due to industrial upgrading and renewal, they pay more attention to the exploration of the potential of innovative enterprises, and even give considerable preferential policies to actively guide them to settle in and promote their innovation performance. After all, this benefits both sides. 





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